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The Rolex waiting list has scared many watch enthusiasts away from owning the watch of their dreams. It is not very likely that you can walk into a Rolex authorized dealer and purchase a stainless steel sports Rolex on your first visit. But the following tips will certainly increase your chance of owning a stunning Rolex. So, how do you skip the Rolex waiting list?
There is no guaranteed way of skipping the Rolex waiting list. But following these steps will improve your chances. They are: Visit the Rolex authorized dealer regularly, be knowledgeable about the brand, build a relationship with the authorized dealer and have a purchase history with them.
Read on to discover nine strategies to increase your chances of owning the Rolex of your dreams or at least make it to the top of the waiting list.
How To Skip The Rolex Waiting List?
The Rolex waiting list is the only way one might secure the possibility of owing one of these prestigious timepieces. But there is no guaranteed way to beat the Rolex waiting list, but you can certainly improve your odds. The Rolex authorized dealer will decide who will be eligible for the limited inventory timepieces.
So, how do you charm the Rolex authorized dealer to place your name on the waiting list or even manage to have it placed at the top of the list? Well, it is not just one thing that will cause this miracle to happen, but a combination of charm, purchase history, and dedication. Using some of the following methods will undoubtedly increase this possibility.
1. Dress To Impress The Rolex Authorized Dealer
It is nearly impossible in today’s society to accurately tell if someone is wealthy just by what they wear. But first impressions count, and sales staff will judge you and your attire within seconds of greeting you. Rolex has an image to uphold, and its prime market is not customers in dirty clothes who don’t look after themselves.
Wearing a suit and tie or tuxedo may be over the top, so rather dress smart casual. Dressing for the occasion will certainly give a good impression to the staff at the authorized dealer, and that is a great start.
2. Build A Relationship With The Rolex Authorized Dealer
The Rolex authorized dealer has the final say on who gets the next available Rolex sports model. Being disrespectful to them will certainly prevent your name from appearing in the next lot. Be yourself, be polite and look at the salesperson’s body language and mirror them. The Rolex authorized dealer will rather sell a timepiece to someone they like and can relate to in some way.
When entering the store, try finding a sales representative with whom you feel you have the most in common and build a relationship with them. When you frequent the Rolex authorized dealer, go to the same representative, have some coffee and talk about different subjects, not just watches. They need to remember you once you have left the store, as this will play in your favor when the time comes.
3. Have Some Knowledge About Rolex
Having some background knowledge about the brand will impress the staff and show that you are a serious buyer. There is no requirement to become an expert, but having some technical knowledge of the Rolex movements, brand core models, and brand history will allow for some great conversation starters.
If you manage to find out when the next batch of Rolex’s will be arriving, time your store visits to coincide with them. You might get lucky and have a watch with your name.
4. Wear A Luxury Watch When Visiting A Rolex Authorized Dealer
When visiting the Rolex authorized dealer, wearing a luxury watch. This will let them know that you are serious about making a purchase. If you already own a Rolex, wearing it to the store will show that you have a purchase history. Displaying that you are eager to invest in another exclusive timepiece will show the authorized dealer you will not just re-sell the watch they allocate to you.

5. Show The Rolex Authorized Dealer You Are Serious
Let the authorized dealer know that you are willing to make payment as soon as you get the call. If you are not serious about purchasing a Rolex and keep turning down the watches they offer you, the calls will stop. This will destroy the relationship you have built with the store and your chance of being added to the waiting list again.
Inform the authorized dealer about upcoming special dates such as wedding celebrations, anniversaries, the birth of a child, or birthdays. The authorized dealers are human and understand that commemorating a special event with a Rolex will make you a lifetime customer.
6. Choose A Time Piece And Stick With It
The Rolex you have chosen is very likely sought after, and you are not the first to enquire about it. Once your mind is made-up, and you know which Rolex you are willing to wait patiently for, stick with your decision. Research the Rolex and request it by referencing its model number. This will give the authorized dealer confidence that you are a serious buyer and you are not going to sell the watch for a profit.
7. Visit The Rolex Authorized Dealer Regularly
Building a relationship with the authorized dearer is extremely important. If they know who you are and how serious you are about making it on the list is a good thing. Visiting the store regularly will help build a good relationship. Avoid becoming the person that shows up to the store once in a blue moon, asking if their stock is available. This will keep your name off the list, even if you have a purchase history.
8. Have A Purchase History With The Rolex Authorized Dealer
Having a good purchase history with the authorized dealer will assist you greatly in skipping the waiting list. This can be done by purchasing some jewelry or other watches from them. Purchasing jewelry with gold and diamonds carries a high-profit margin for most stores, placing you as a valued client and boosting you higher on the list. Becoming a repeat customer at the authorized dealer is an acceptable way to secure a sports Rolex for your collection.
9. Visit The Rolex Authorized Dealer After The Basel-world Expo
Basel World is where Rolex announces all their new and upcoming models. Many people who are interested in a different Rolex model will transfer their names from one waiting list to another. This is very common and will leave several open spaces on the older Rolex model waiting lists. The authorized dealers do not like to have available slots on their waiting lists and will quickly find potential clients to help fill the void.
So being a repeat client, showing keen interest, or being good friends with the authorized dealer will assist you in climbing the waiting list or possibly skipping it totally.
Skipping the Rolex waiting list is nearly impossible, but using some of the mentioned tactics will vastly improve your chances of owning a Rolex watch. So, dress for the occasion, be friendly to the authorized dealer, wearing a luxury watch when enquiring, and know which Rolex you want to purchase.
- https://www.quora.com/How-many-Rolex-watches-do-I-have-to-buy-the-skip-waiting-list-/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv2WPVtWu0I
- https://www.rolex.com/rolex-dealers./